Guide to Individual Dental Insurance for Canadians

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Key Takeaways

  • Dental insurance helps individuals manage unexpected dental costs, making care more affordable.
  • Individual plans cover preventive care, basic procedures, and major dental work.
  • PolicyMe offers easy, quick comparisons and a hassle-free application process for dental insurance.

What is Dental Insurance for Individuals?

Living alone can be fantastic, but unexpected dental issues can throw a wrench in the works. Even without a family to consider, your dental health is still crucial. A sudden toothache or filling can quickly become expensive.

That’s where dental insurance for individuals comes in. It helps manage costs and ensures you get the care you need, letting you enjoy your independence without the stress of dental bills.

Individual dental insurance is designed for those who need dental care but don't have a family to insure. You pay a monthly premium to access dental services at reduced costs. 

Here’s how it works: You choose a plan that fits your needs and budget. Each plan lists covered services and a network of dentists. When you go to the dentist, you present your insurance card, and the insurance company covers part or all of the cost for covered services.

Plans typically cover preventive care like check-ups and cleanings, basic procedures such as fillings and extractions, and major procedures like crowns and root canals. You may need to pay a deductible before the insurance starts to cover the costs, and there might be copayments or coinsurance for certain services. 

Most plans also have an annual maximum—the total amount the insurance will pay for your dental care in a year. Once you reach this limit, you cover any additional costs out-of-pocket.

Dental Insurance vs. Dental Benefits

Understanding the difference between dental insurance and dental benefits can help you choose the right coverage for your needs. Here's a breakdown of each:

Dental Insurance

Dental insurance works much like health insurance. You pay a monthly premium to maintain coverage. In return, the insurance company helps cover the cost of dental care. This can include preventive services, basic procedures, and major dental work. Typically, dental insurance plans come with deductibles, co-payments, and annual maximums.

Dental Benefits

Dental benefits, often provided by employers, offer a set amount of money or discounts for dental care. Unlike traditional insurance, dental benefits might not cover a wide range of services. They usually focus on preventive care and basic procedures. These benefits might have fewer out-of-pocket costs compared to insurance but offer less comprehensive coverage.

Why Do You Need Individual Dental Insurance?

Individual dental insurance is crucial for several reasons, ensuring you maintain both your dental health and financial stability.

Rising Costs of Dental Services: Dental service costs are increasing year-over-year. In Ontario, there was a 4.8% increase in 2024, following an 8.5% rise in 2023. Without insurance, these rising costs can quickly become a burden, making it hard to afford necessary treatments.

Regular Dental Care: Regular dental visits are essential for maintaining good oral health. Younger Canadians aged 12 to 17 reported seeing a dental professional more frequently (79%) than those aged 65 and older. Having someone to remind you to check your teeth is always helpful and a push to get you to take action. Maintaining regular dental visits is vital as you age to prevent more serious health issues. Insurance makes it easier to keep up with these routine visits.

Financial Protection: Unexpected dental problems can lead to significant out-of-pocket expenses. Whether it's a sudden toothache, a cavity, or a more serious issue like a root canal, having insurance helps cover these costs. This financial protection allows you to get the care you need without breaking the bank.

Types of Individual Dental Insurance Plans

When choosing individual dental insurance, it's important to understand the different types of plans available. Each type offers unique features and levels of coverage to suit various needs and budgets. 

Let’s take a look at what kind of coverage would suit you:

Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) Plan

A PPO plan offers a network of dentists you can visit at reduced rates. You can also see out-of-network dentists, but it will cost more. This plan provides flexibility and a balance between cost and choice.

Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) Plan

An HMO plan requires you to select a primary dentist from a network. All dental care goes through this dentist. These plans are usually more affordable but come with fewer choices.

Indemnity Plan

Also known as a fee-for-service plan, an Indemnity plan allows you to visit any dentist. You pay upfront and get reimbursed by the insurance company. This plan offers the most freedom in choosing dentists but can be more expensive.

Discount Dental Plan

A Discount Dental Plan isn't traditional insurance but offers discounts on dental services for a membership fee. This plan is budget-friendly and works well if you don't need extensive dental care but want to save money on visits.

Benefits of Individual Dental Insurance

Individual dental insurance offers many advantages, making it easier to maintain your dental health and manage costs. Here are some key benefits:

Reduces Out-of-Pocket Costs: Dental insurance helps lower the amount you need to pay directly for dental treatments. With coverage, procedures like cleanings, fillings, and even major work such as crowns or root canals become more affordable. The insurance company covers a significant portion of the costs, reducing your financial burden.

Encourages Regular Visits and Preventive Care: Having dental insurance encourages you to visit the dentist regularly. Most plans cover routine check-ups and cleanings, ensuring you keep up with preventive care. Regular visits help catch potential issues early, preventing them from becoming more serious and expensive problems.

Provides Access to a Network of Dentists: Dental insurance plans typically include a network of approved dentists. This network gives you access to qualified professionals who have agreed to provide services at lower rates negotiated by the insurance company. It ensures you receive quality care at a more affordable price.

Covers a Range of Dental Procedures: Dental insurance covers a wide variety of procedures. From routine cleanings and exams to more complex treatments like fillings, extractions, crowns, and root canals, having insurance means you can address different dental needs without worrying about the high costs.

Offers Financial Protection Against Unexpected Expenses: Dental emergencies can happen anytime and are often costly. Dental insurance provides financial protection against these unexpected expenses. Whether it's a sudden toothache, a broken tooth, or any other urgent dental issue, insurance helps cover the costs so you can get the necessary treatment without a major financial setback.

Helps Maintain Overall Oral Health: The obvious main benefit of dental coverage is it promotes the maintenance of your oral health! Good dental health is crucial for overall well-being. Dental insurance ensures you can maintain regular care and address issues promptly, which supports your overall health. Poor oral health can lead to other health problems, so having insurance helps you stay healthier overall.

Choosing the Best Individual Dental Insurance Plan

Here's a simple guide to help you make an informed decision.

Evaluate Your Dental Needs

Think about the type of dental care you require. Do you need regular cleanings, or do you anticipate major dental work? Knowing your needs will help you select a plan that offers the right coverage.

Compare Plans

Look for a provider that makes it easy to compare different plans. With PolicyMe, you can answer a few quick questions to receive a personalised recommendation. In just 60 seconds, you can see a quote and compare three plans side-by-side.

Consider Costs

Examine the costs associated with each plan, including premiums, deductibles, and co-payments. Ensure the plan fits your budget while offering the coverage you need. PolicyMe offers a variety of plans to ensure you find one that matches your financial situation.

Check the Network

Ensure the plan includes a network of dentists that you can access easily. PolicyMe's plans provide access to a network of professionals, making it convenient to get the care you need.

Simple Application Process

Look for a plan with a straightforward application process. With PolicyMe, securing dental coverage takes less than five minutes. You can apply online without answering medical questions, making the process fast and hassle-free.

Advisor Support

If you prefer personalised assistance, choose a provider that offers advisor support. PolicyMe allows you to get help from an advisor over the phone, ensuring you make the best choice for your dental insurance needs.

Coverage Options in Individual Dental Insurance

Individual dental insurance plans offer various coverage options to meet different needs. Understanding these options can help you choose the best plan for your dental health. 

Here's a quick look at what you can expect:

  • Preventive Care: Includes routine check-ups, cleanings, and X-rays to maintain oral health.
  • Basic Procedures: Covers fillings, extractions, and simple root canals.
  • Major Procedures: Includes crowns, bridges, dentures, and complex root canals.
  • Orthodontic Coverage: Provides coverage for braces and retainers, which are useful for those needing teeth alignment.
  • Cosmetic Procedures: Some plans offer discounts on teeth whitening and veneers.
  • Emergency Care: Covers urgent dental treatments like a broken tooth or severe pain.
  • Network Access: Offers reduced rates when visiting in-network dentists.

Cost of Individual Dental Insurance

The cost of individual dental insurance can vary based on several factors. Understanding these elements can help you find a basic plan that fits your budget.

Monthly Premiums: Monthly premiums are the regular payments you make to maintain your insurance coverage. These can range from quite affordable to more expensive, depending on the level of coverage you choose.

Deductibles: A deductible is the amount you pay out-of-pocket before your insurance begins to cover certain services. Plans with lower deductibles often come with higher premiums, and vice versa.

Co-Payments and Co-Insurance: Co-payments are fixed amounts you pay for specific services, such as dentist visits. Co-insurance is a percentage of the service cost you are responsible for paying. These out-of-pocket expenses can add up, so it's important to consider them when choosing a comprehensive plan.

Annual Maximums: Most dental insurance plans have an annual maximum, the total amount the insurance will pay for your dental care in a year. Once this limit is reached, you will need to cover any additional costs yourself.

Type of Plan: The type of plan you select, whether it's a PPO, HMO, or discount plan, will also influence the overall cost. Each type has its own pricing structure and coverage benefits.

Location: Where you live can affect the cost of dental insurance. Different regions may have varying prices for dental services and insurance plans.

Common Procedures Covered by Individual Dental Insurance

Individual dental insurance plans typically cover a variety of procedures to help maintain your oral health. Here are some of the most common ones:

  • Routine check-ups
  • Cleanings
  • X-rays
  • Fillings
  • Extractions
  • Root canals
  • Crowns
  • Bridges
  • Dentures
  • Orthodontic treatments (like braces)
  • Emergency dental care

How to Maximise Your Dental Insurance Benefits

We all want to make the most of our hard-earned pay. Maximising your benefits is a great way to ensure you are on top of your oral health while making the most of your coverage.

Here are some practical tips for maximising your dental insurance benefits:

  • Schedule Regular Check-ups: Book your routine dental check-ups and cleanings every six months to fully utilise preventive care benefits.
  • Use In-Network Dentists: Always visit dentists within your insurance network to minimise out-of-pocket expenses.
  • Understand Your Plan: Familiarise yourself with what your plan covers, including any limitations or exclusions.
  • Plan Major Procedures Wisely: Schedule major dental work, such as crowns or root canals, early in the year to make the most of your annual maximum.
  • Keep Track of Deductibles: Monitor your deductible status to know when your insurance will start covering a larger portion of costs.
  • Leverage Preventive Services: Take advantage of fully covered preventive services to avoid costly treatments later.
  • Use Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs): If available, use FSAs to pay for out-of-pocket dental expenses with pre-tax dollars.
  • File Claims Promptly: Submit claims as soon as possible to ensure timely reimbursement and avoid missing deadlines.
  • Consult Your Dentist: Discuss your dental plan with your dentist to prioritise treatments and maximise your benefits throughout the year.
  • Review Your Benefits Annually: During open enrollment, reassess your dental insurance plan each year to ensure it continues to meet your needs.


  • Consider the type of dental care you require, including routine check-ups and potential major procedures.
  • Pay attention to premiums, deductibles, co-payments, and annual maximums to find a plan that fits your budget.
  • For a hassle-free experience, choose a provider with an easy application process and good customer support, like PolicyMe.

FAQs: Personal Dental Insurance

Are individual dental plans worth it?

Individual dental plans can be a great investment for Canadians. Even with our excellent universal healthcare, dental care isn't fully covered by provincial plans. This means routine check-ups, cleanings, fillings, and more extensive procedures like root canals or crowns can lead to hefty out-of-pocket expenses. With an individual dental plan, you can mitigate these costs, ensuring you and your family maintain good oral health without the stress of unexpected dental bills.

Moreover, dental insurance isn’t just about covering big-ticket items. Regular preventive care, which includes cleanings and exams, can help catch problems early, saving you pain and money down the road. Plans often include coverage for these routine services, making it easier to stick to a regular care schedule. So, while it might seem like an added expense at first, a dental plan can actually save you money and help maintain your overall health in the long run.

Can I get dental insurance without health insurance?

Yes, you can get dental insurance without health insurance in Canada. Many providers offer stand alone dental plans designed to cover essential dental care like check-ups, cleanings, fillings, and more extensive treatments like crowns and orthodontics. This flexibility is great for those who already have health coverage through their employer or the government and just need additional dental protection. With various options available, you can find a plan that fits your budget and needs, ensuring you keep that bright smile healthy without unnecessary extras.

Dental insurance can be a smart move for Canadians, especially since provincial health plans typically don't cover routine dental care for adults. If you're self-employed, a retiree, or just someone who wants to avoid hefty dental bills, a dental-only insurance plan might be the right fit. These plans help manage the cost of maintaining your dental health, from routine exams to unexpected issues. So, even if you have your health coverage sorted, dental insurance can still play a crucial role in your overall health strategy.

Can I claim dental on my income tax?

Yes, you can claim some dental expenses on your income tax in Canada! Dental expenses like cleanings, fillings, and dentures are considered eligible medical expenses. To make a claim, gather all your receipts and add up your total dental costs for the year. You'll need to include these costs on your income tax return under the Medical Expense Tax Credit (METC).

Keep in mind, not all dental expenses are eligible. Cosmetic procedures, like teeth whitening, usually don't qualify. But essential services, such as preventative care and necessary dental work, are fair game. If your dental expenses exceed a certain percentage of your net income, you can claim the portion that surpasses this threshold. This is a great way to get a little relief on those dental bills! For more detailed info, it's always a good idea to check the CRA's guidelines or speak with a tax professional.

What is the most common form of dental insurance?

In Canada, the most common form of dental insurance is employer-sponsored group plans. These plans are typically part of a broader benefits package offered by employers and are popular because they provide extensive coverage at a lower cost compared to individual plans. Group plans usually cover a wide range of dental services, including preventive care like cleanings and check-ups, restorative procedures such as fillings and crowns, and sometimes even orthodontics. This makes them an attractive option for many working Canadians who want to ensure their dental health without facing high out-of-pocket expenses.

For those who don’t have access to an employer-sponsored plan, individual dental insurance plans are also available. These plans can be tailored to meet personal needs and budgets, offering flexibility in coverage options. Individual plans are especially beneficial for self-employed individuals, retirees, or those whose employers don’t offer dental benefits. While they might be slightly more expensive than group plans, individual plans still provide valuable coverage that helps manage dental care costs, ensuring you’re not left paying hefty bills for routine or unexpected dental work.

Does dental insurance cover cosmetic procedures?

Dental insurance typically does not cover cosmetic procedures like teeth whitening or veneers. These procedures are considered elective, meaning they are not medically necessary and are done primarily to improve appearance. Dental insurance in Canada is more focused on essential health needs. This includes preventive care like cleanings and check-ups, restorative services like fillings and crowns, and sometimes orthodontic work if it’s necessary for your overall dental health.

However, it's worth checking your specific policy because coverage can vary. Some plans might offer limited benefits for certain cosmetic procedures if they are deemed medically necessary by a dentist. Always review your policy details and speak with your insurance provider to understand what's covered. This ensures you're not hit with unexpected costs when planning a cosmetic procedure.

Can I use my dental insurance immediately?

Yes, you can typically use your dental insurance right away, but there might be a catch. Many dental insurance plans in Canada have a waiting period for certain types of services. This means that while you might be able to get a routine cleaning or check-up immediately, more complex procedures like root canals or orthodontics might require you to wait a few months. This waiting period helps insurers manage risk and ensure the system remains affordable for everyone.

However, not all plans are the same. Some might offer immediate coverage for all services, but these tend to be pricier. If you're considering a new plan and need dental work done urgently, it’s worth checking the specifics of the waiting period. Be sure to read the fine print or ask your provider directly to understand when your coverage kicks in for different types of dental services. This way, there won't be any surprises when you head to the dentist.